Since 2000, as part of a series of European research projects and several subsequent application projects, On AIR has been working on the development of TMS system.

TMS is an autonomous system for real-time management of rail traffic on large, complex and congested areas. In the presence of perturbations due to delays, traffic limitations or other disturbances, the TMS foresees and resolves future conflicts, generating in real time a new plan without conflicts, modifying the travel times of some sections, changing the train ordering and taking advantage of alternative routes.

The TMS also supports the implementation of this plan by indicating changes in speed when necessary, routes to be followed and booking times for involved railway sections

In the simulation studies the TMS is connected to FRISO, the Flexible Rail Infra Simulation of Operations by InControl. FRISO transmits and receives real-time information about the state of trains and infrastructure. Using this information, the TMS can monitor traffic, detect future conflicts, reschedule and optimize speed profiles.

TMS has proven its value by increasing punctuality, reducing energy consumption, and greatly decreasing the number of unscheduled stops during the train's journey. TMS supports both the Dutch NS54 and European ERTMS safety systems

Currently, FRISO and TMS allow rail network managers to study the effects of the introduction of Automatic Train Operation (ATO).

For more information check the TMS Website