Spinlife, spin-off of the University of Padova, guides public and private companies of all sizes in analyzing and implementing strategic and sustainable solutions. It helps organizations and local communities in reinventing themselves, optimizing their processes and certifying their progresses, creating a bridge between business and sustainability.It was founded in 2017 by a group of professors and researchers of the Industrial Engineering Department of the University of Padua who, for more than 30 years, worked on pioneristic projects to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for organizations.As a Spinoff, it fosters contact between the university and the productive world by disseminating new scientific management approaches and the latest discoveries which have positive spill over effects on industrial production and the territory.Spin Life, thanks to thanks to its interdisciplinary and multi-skilled team, can offer consultancy on these macro-areas:Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon strategy, Sustainable Business Management, Green Finance, Research and innovation on environmental issues.With the utmost transparency, Spinlife analyses the status quo and proposes a tailored path to sustainable growth supported by scientific evidence and studies. All organizations need objective scientific foundations to support their environmental credentials and promote their positioning from a sustainability-oriented point of view.https://www.spinlife.it/en/


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Stefania PRESTA
Stefania PRESTA
Consulente Spin Life S.r.l.