
The University of Padova is a world-leading research-intensive university that has been driving global change since its foundation in 1222. Loyal to its motto Universa Universis Patavina Libertas (Paduan freedom is universal for everyone), has always been a bastion of free thought, study and research.
During eight centuries, students, researchers and alumni have provided key contributions to the advancement of knowledge, science and society: Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei are among the fathers of modern science, Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey founded modern Medicine and Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia became the world's first woman to graduate in 1678.
The University of Padova is today a multidisciplinary institution with 8 Schools and 32 Departments offering a broad and comprehensive portfolio of programmes, ranging from Engineering to Business and Political Sciences, from Medicine to Humanities, from Psychology to Agriculture, from law to Science.
The University enhances the creation of spin-offs, a spin-off is a business founded by researchers to enhance the results of their own research activity and scientific knowledge, in which University of Padova may be a partner. They are promoted, created and developed by one or more people who have a close relationship with the research world and use the know-how developed within research organisations in their business activity.
